Cannabis Influencer Marketing: All You Need to Know

Last Updated on Oct 13, 2023

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    Cannabis is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. With its legalization in various countries, new businesses and products have emerged left and right, creating a whole new marketing niche. 

    Enter influencer marketing: cannabis influencers use social media platforms to promote cannabis products and brands. They’re an essential component in reaching an audience interested in and knowledgeable about cannabis and those just starting to explore this newfound world. 

    In this article, we will look at what makes cannabis influencer marketing different from other types of influencer marketing and share some tips for getting started.

    Key Takeaways

    • The cannabis industry has unique marketing challenges due to its legal and regulatory status. Influencer marketing can be an effective way to reach and engage with cannabis consumers, but it requires careful planning and execution to stay within legal guidelines.
    • Influencers who are knowledgeable and passionate about cannabis can build a strong following with their digital presence and drive engagement with the content. Brands can partner with these influencers to increase their reach and build credibility with consumers.
    • Authenticity is key in cannabis influencer marketing. Brands should prioritize working with influencers who genuinely use and enjoy their products, and who have a loyal and engaged following.
    • Influencer marketing can be especially effective in reaching younger, more diverse audiences who are often underserved by traditional cannabis marketing channels.
    • As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, so too will the opportunities and challenges for influencer marketing. Brands that stay on top of trends and regulations and work collaboratively with influencers are likely to see the most success.

    What is cannabis influencer marketing, and why it’s important

    Cannabis influencer marketing is a relatively new but growing industry that connects cannabis brands with social media influencers who can help promote their products and services.

    Why is this important? Because social media is one of the most powerful tools for marketing today. It allows brands to reach a broad audience quickly and easily and enables them to target specific demographics.

    Cannabis influencer marketing is a proven way to scale your business and create buzz around a brand. But it’s essential to choose the right influencers and authentically work with them. Otherwise, the campaign could backfire and do more harm than good.

    Influencer marketing compared to other forms of cannabis marketing

    There are many ways to market cannabis products, but influencer marketing is one of the most effective. Influencer marketing allows you to tap into the social media networks of influential people in the cannabis community and use their reach to promote your products or brand.

    Compared to other forms of cannabis marketing, influencer marketing has several advantages. 

    First, it can be very cost-effective. You can work with influencers with smaller followings for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

    Second, influencer marketing is more personal and intimate than other marketing strategies. Because influencers share their personal experiences with their followers, they can build trust and credibility that other forms of marketing cannot match.

    Finally, influencer marketing is more flexible than other types of marketing. You can work with influencers to create content tailored to your specific goals and objectives. This means that you can customize your cannabis marketing campaign to achieve the results you want.

    Identifying influencers for your brand

    To successfully market your cannabis brand, you’ll need to identify relevant influencers and assess their ability to promote your products or services. A few key factors to consider when identifying potential influencers for your brand:

    1. Their reach: How many followers do they have? Do their followers engage with their content?

    2. Their authority: Are they recognized as an expert in the cannabis industry? Do they have a strong opinion of your products or services?

    3. Their engagement: Do they frequently interact with their followers? Do they respond to comments and questions?

    4. Their audience: Does their audience align with your target market? Are they likely to be interested in your products or services?

    Once you’ve identified a list of potential influencers, take some time to assess their strengths and weaknesses. You can determine which influencers are best suited to promote your brand.

    Identifying Personality Types

    Identifying the right personality type for influencers is crucial to the success of any influencer marketing campaign. Brands should look for influencers with the same values and interests as their target audience, which can lead to more genuine and effective promotions. 

    Additionally, brands can use tools such as social media monitoring and analytics to identify influencers who have a significant following within their target market. 

    By taking the time to research and select the right influencers, brands can ensure that their message is delivered to the right audience and ultimately drive better results for their campaigns.

    Defining Genre

    If you’re new to cannabis influencer marketing, you may wonder what genre or type of influencer is suitable for your brand. After all, with so many options, it can be overwhelming to try and figure out which one will be the best fit.

    Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most popular genres of cannabis influencers:

    • Lifestyle: Lifestyle influencers are focused on providing their audience with a behind-the-scenes look at their everyday lives. This includes everything from what they’re smoking, to what they’re cooking, to what they’re wearing. If you want to connect with an audience interested in a more personal look at the cannabis lifestyle, then a lifestyle influencer is probably your best bet.
    • News and Education: These influencers are about staying up-to-date on the latest news and information in the cannabis industry. They often share news articles, blog posts, and infographics on their channels and offer their commentary and analysis. If you want to reach an audience that wants to stay informed on all things weed, then working with a news or education-focused influencer is your best bet.
    • Product Reviews: As the name suggests, product review influencers focus on giving their honest opinion on various cannabis products. This can include everything from flowers and concentrates to edibles and topicals. This is the best genre for you if you want to connect with an audience into direct consumption of your offerings.

    Identifying Niche Markets

    By understanding your product and target customers, researching your competition, and considering what type of content your audience likes, you can identify niche markets for cannabis influencer marketing. By finding social media influencers that match your target market, you can start building relationships and expanding your potential customer base.

    Targeting Topics

    When it comes to cannabis influencer marketing, one of the key points is to focus on topics your target audience will find relevant and engaging. 

    You can do this by keeping up with the latest trends in the industry, looking into what people search for, and seeing what other influencers in the field are discussing. Doing so will enable you to build a solid bond with your followers and ensure that your message resonates with them.

    Type of Reach

    Social media influencers in the cannabis industry include micro-influencers, lifestyle, and celebrity influencers. Micro-influencers have small but engaged followings, making them relatable and ideal for building customer relationships. 

    Lifestyle influencers are popular figures who share information about their interests and hobbies, and partnering with them can help cannabis brands reach new audiences. 

    Celebrity influencers are well-known public figures with a large social media following. They can be a powerful tool for cannabis brands looking to reach a wider audience quickly. However, partnering with celebrity influencers can also be expensive and may not always result in the desired ROI. 

    It’s crucial for brands to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before working with celebrity influencers.

    Categories of influencers

    There are three main categories of influencers: micro-influencers, macro-influencers, and mega-influencers.

    • Micro-influencers have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers on social media. They are considered more relatable than bigger influencers and often have engaged audiences. Micro-influencers typically specialize in a particular niche, which can make them even more valuable to brands.
    • Macro-influencers have between 100,000 and 1 million followers on social media. They have a wider reach than micro-influencers but may not be as relatable to their audience. Macro-influencers usually post about various topics rather than specializing in one niche.
    • Mega-influencers have over 1 million followers on social media. They have the broadest reach of all influencer categories but may not be as engaged with their audience as micro and macro-influencers. Mega-influencers typically post about various topics rather than specializing in one niche.

    Out of these categories, you’ll want to find someone with one of the following traits (or all of them if possible)


    An educator influencer is a social media personality who creates content around educational topics, providing information and insights to their followers. 

    In the cannabis industry, educator influencers focus on educating their audience about the benefits and potential risks of using cannabis and sharing information about the latest research and trends in the industry. 

    They often have a strong understanding of the science behind cannabis and can provide valuable insights to their audience. Brands can partner with educator influencers to promote their products while also educating consumers about the benefits of cannabis use.


    For those interested in the cannabis industry, becoming a cannabis coach is an increasingly popular option. 

    A cannabis coach is knowledgeable about all aspects of the plant and can guide individuals to the right products for their specific needs. 

    To be successful, cannabis coaches must comprehensively understand various cannabis products, including edibles, topicals, and tinctures, as well as how to use them and what effects they may have. 

    Coaches must also be able to foster trusting relationships with their clients and discuss sensitive topics like dosing and side effects. 


    Regarding cannabis content, look no further than experts and advocates within the industry. Entertainment influencers can provide an invaluable platform to reach a broad base with various cannabis-related topics. 

    It’s vital to ensure that your influencer is knowledgeable, has a solid following, and is relatable and trustworthy. Fortunately, many talented entertainers fit these criteria – so why not use them to spread awareness of your cannabis initiatives?

    Criteria to define an influencer for your brand

    Regarding promoting your brand, influencer marketing can be a highly effective strategy. But with so many influencers, it can take time to determine which ones fit your brand. 

    That’s why it’s essential to establish criteria for defining influencers that align with your brand’s goals and values. 

    We are exploring key elements to consider when selecting influencers to work with, so you can create a successful influencer marketing campaign that resonates with your target audience:


    The legalization of cannabis has led to more businesses exploring the potential of reaching out to its growing consumer base. One way to do this is through influencer marketing, partnering with influential people in the cannabis industry to promote a brand. 

    Cannabis influencer marketing is an effective method for increasing awareness and customer base; however, it requires research and finding relevant partners for success. 

    It is essential to determine the right influencers for your brand based on the size and engagement of their following in the community and whether they support your values. 

    Once this is established, promotional campaigns such as sponsored posts, giveaways, and product reviews can be initiated to drive success.


    Identifying an influencer’s reach is essential in selecting the right influencer for your brand. The reach of a cannabis influencer can vary from a few hundred followers to millions, and it depends on the size of their audience and the engagement rate of their content. 

    The more engaged an influencer’s audience is, the more likely their content will be seen and shared. Its reach is more extensive for the cannabis brand compared to email marketing and some other marketing strategies.


    The actionability of a cannabis influencer refers to their ability to motivate their audience to take action, such as making a purchase, trying a new product, or visiting a website. 

    Influencers with a solid and engaged following who can effectively communicate their recommendations and experiences with cannabis products can be a powerful tool for brands looking to increase their sales and brand awareness. 

    A cannabis influencer’s actionability is influenced by audience demographics, engagement rates, and the authenticity of their content.

    Finding your ideal influencer

    Finding the right influencer for your cannabis brand can be challenging. With so many options, it’s essential to know what to look for to find an influencer that aligns with your brand values and goals. 

    This section explores strategies to help you identify and connect with your ideal cannabis influencer.

    Researching hashtags

    Regarding cannabis influencer marketing, researching hashtags is essential. By doing this, you can ensure that the right people are seeing your content and that you’re using the most effective hashtags for your campaign.

    Here are a few tips for researching hashtags:

    1. Use hashtag research tools: Several online tools can help you research hashtags, such as Hashtagify and RiteTag. These tools allow you to see which hashtags are most popular and how often they’re used.

    2. Check out your competition: See what hashtags your competitors use and try to use similar ones. This will help you get your content in front of the same audience.

    3. Use relevant keywords: Choose relevant hashtags for your brand or product. This will help you reach people who are interested in what you have to offer.

    4. Keep it simple: Use only a few hashtags in one post – this can look spammy and turn people off your content. Stick to 1-2 relevant hashtags per post and make sure they’re easy to read and understand.

    Using google alerts

    To stay up-to-date on the latest news in the cannabis industry, consider using Google Alerts. You can create a Google Alert by visiting and entering your desired keyword(s).

    For example, you could enter “cannabis industry” to receive alerts about any new developments in the cannabis industry. These alerts can be delivered to your email inbox or RSS feed.

    Tracking social mentions

    There are many ways to track social mentions of your brand or product. The most common method is to use a web-based tool like Google Alerts, which will send you an email notification whenever your specified keyword is mentioned online.

    Another way to track social mentions is to set up a Google News alert for your brand or product. 

    This will give you real-time results of news stories that mention your brand. You can also use social media listening tools like Hootsuite Insights or Brandwatch to track conversations about your brand on social media platforms.

    Finally, you can manually search for mentions of your brand across the web and social media. This requires more effort but can be worth it if you want to get a comprehensive picture of how people are talking about your brand online.

    Reaching out to bloggers

    When it comes to cannabis influencer marketing with bloggers, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

    First, you want to ensure you are working with bloggers with a large and engaged following. 

    Secondly, you want to be sure that the content they create is high quality and informative.

    Here are a few tips for reaching out to bloggers:

    1. Do research: Research cannabis bloggers with a large following. Once you have a list of potential influencers, look at their content to see if it aligns with your brand messaging and values.

    2. Reach out and introduce yourself: Once you’ve identified a few potential bloggers to work with, reach out and introduce yourself. Let them know what your company is all about and why you think they would be an excellent fit for your campaign.

    3. Send over some information: Once you’ve made initial contact, send over some information about your campaign or product. Include any relevant details such as key dates, compensation, etc.

    4. Follow up: After sending over the initial information, follow up with the blogger to see if they’re interested in participating in your campaign. If they are, great! If not, don’t take it

    Methods of cannabis influencer marketing

    Cannabis influencer marketing is an effective and exciting way to promote your business. With the right approach, cannabis influencer marketing can be used to significant effect and give your brand more visibility. 

    You’ll need to search for the right influencers with a large following and who are a good fit for your brand. Platforms such as TapInfluence or Listlyst can help you narrow down your search. 

    Once you’ve found an influencer or two, you’ll need to reach out with a solid offer to get them interested in promoting your cannabis brand. Keep in mind that free products or discounts are always attractive! 

    You can see several roads to follow when interacting with influencers for your cannabis brand:

    Marketing to influencers:

    When marketing to influencers, the main goal is to increase brand awareness and visibility in the eyes of the influencers. This involves identifying and reaching out to potential influencers interested in your product or service. 

    Brands can use various methods to get in touch with influencers, including social media, email, and networking events. The focus is on building relationships and establishing a connection with the influencer in hopes that they will share your brand’s message with their followers.

    Marketing through influencers

    Through influencers, brands collaborate to promote their products or services to their followers. This method involves a partnership between the brand and the influencer, in which the influencer is compensated to create content that showcases the brand’s offering. 

    The goal is to leverage the influencer’s following and influence to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to the brand’s website, and ultimately increase sales.

    Marketing with influencers

    Marketing involves partnering with influencers to co-create content that aligns with the brand’s and the influencer’s message. 

    This method is more collaborative than marketing through influencers, as both parties work together to create authentic content that resonates with the influencer’s audience. 

    The focus is on creating a mutually beneficial relationship where both the brand and the influencer benefit from the partnership. This method can build trust and credibility with the influencer’s audience and drive engagement with the brand.

    Key assets gained from cannabis influencer marketing

    As the cannabis industry continues to grow so does the number of opportunities for brands to get involved in influencer marketing. By working with influencers who have a large following in the cannabis community, brands can tap into a new audience and gain some critical assets.

    Some key assets you can gain from cannabis influencer marketing include the following:

    1. A Large Audience: One of the most significant benefits of working with influencers is that they have a large audience you can reach. When you partner with an influencer, your brand is exposed to its entire network, which can help you reach a larger audience than you would have otherwise.

    2. Increased Engagement: Another benefit of partnering with an influencer is increased engagement from their followers. Influencers have built up trust with their followers; as a result, their followers are more likely to engage with the content they share from brands. This can lead to more sales and conversions for your brand.

    3. Improved SEO: Working with an influencer can also help improve your brand’s SEO. This is because when an influencer mentions or links to your brand on their website or social media channels, it can help improve your search engine optimization.

    4. Brand Awareness: Working with an influencer can also help raise awareness for your brand amongst their followers. As mentioned before, partnering with an influencer exposes your brand to its entire network, which can help increase brand awareness and recognition.

    5. Enhanced Consumer Trust: By working with influencers already trusted by their followers, brands can tap into that trust and use it to build their reputation. In addition, you can use influencer marketing to educate consumers about the benefits of cannabis and dispel any myths or misconceptions they may have.

    When done correctly, cannabis influencer marketing can be an extremely effective way to build consumer trust and drive sales. If you’re looking to get started with this type of marketing, be sure to check out our guide below.

    Compensation strategies for cannabis influencers

    There are a few key things to keep in mind regarding compensation strategies for cannabis influencers. First and foremost, being transparent with your influencer about what you’re looking to spend is essential. 

    If an influencer is expecting a certain amount, but you’re only willing to offer a fraction, there will likely be some tension or miscommunication down the road.

    It’s also important to keep in mind that most cannabis influencers are working on a freelance basis. This means they likely have other commitments and may not be able to dedicate as much time to your project as you’d like. 

    As such, it’s important to be flexible with deadlines and understand that an influencer may need to take on other work to make ends meet.

    Finally, don’t forget that cannabis influencers are people too! They should be treated with respect and professionalism like any other freelancer. 

    Be sure to pay them on time and provide feedback so they can continue to improve their craft. As for how you can organize the pay structure, you can always use several methods, such as the ones listed below:


    A shoutout is a social media post in which an influencer mentions or promotes a brand or product. Shoutouts can take many forms, such as a dedicated post or story, a tag or mention in a caption, or a swipe-up link to the brand’s website. 

    Shoutouts can be a powerful tool for cannabis brands to increase their visibility and reach new audiences. They allow brands to leverage the influencer’s audience and credibility to promote their products. 

    Shoutouts are often part of a broader influencer marketing strategy and can be used to build relationships with influencers and establish the brand’s presence in the cannabis industry.

    Product discounts or giveaways

    Product discounts or giveaways are promotional activities used by cannabis brands to incentivize customers to purchase their products. 

    In influencer marketing, product discounts or giveaways are often used as part of a collaboration with influencers to promote the brand’s products to their followers. 

    By offering influencers a discount code or free products to give to their audience, brands can increase their reach and generate buzz around their products. These promotions can effectively drive sales and increase brand awareness among potential customers.


    Commissions are a common way to compensate influencers for their work in promoting a cannabis brand or product. This payment method involves offering a percentage of sales to the influencer for each customer they refer to the brand. 

    Commissions can be an excellent incentive for influencers to promote a brand, as it allows them to earn a passive income while building a long-term relationship with the brand. 

    Additionally, commissions can help ensure that influencers are motivated to provide high-quality promotion for the brand, as their earnings are directly tied to the campaign’s success.

    Social media channels for cannabis influencer marketing

    You can use many social media channels for cannabis influencer marketing. These include:

    1. Facebook – With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is the largest social media platform. It can be an excellent channel for reaching out to potential customers and building relationships with influencers.

    2. Twitter – Though it has a smaller user base than Facebook, Twitter is still a top-rated social media platform with over 300 million active users. It can be a great channel for sharing content and engaging with influencers.

    3. Instagram – With over 1.35 billion active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. It’s especially popular with younger users, making it an excellent channel for reaching out to potential customers.

    4. YouTube – YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and the third most visited website after Google and Facebook. It’s a great channel for sharing video content and building relationships with influencers.

    5. Snapchat – Snapchat is a popular social media platform with over 750 million active users. It’s especially popular with young adults and can be an excellent channel for reaching out to potential customers.

    Targeting cannabis audiences on social media

    As the legal cannabis industry continues to grow, so does the number of people using social media to connect with others who consume cannabis. 

    While some platforms like Instagram have been slow to catch on to the trend, others like Snapchat and Twitter have embraced it wholeheartedly. 

    This is good news for brands targeting cannabis audiences on social media, as it gives them more opportunities to reach their target customers.

    To successfully reach cannabis consumers on social media, it’s essential to understand which platforms they use and how they use them. Here are some tips:

    Cannabis users are most active on Instagram and Snapchat

    While Instagram may be the more popular platform overall, Snapchat is where you’re likely to find more active cannabis users. This is because Snapchat offers more privacy than other platforms, which is vital to many cannabis users.

    Hashtags are key

    If you want to reach cannabis users on social media, hashtags are your best friend. Use relevant hashtags in your posts and stories to ensure that your cannabis content is seen by people searching for it. Some popular Cannabis-related hashtags include #weedstagram, #cannabiscommunity, and #stonernation.

    Cannabis users respond well to creative content

    When creating content for social media, think outside the box. Be creative and experiment with different types of content – images, videos, GIFs, etc. – to capture the attention of cannabis users on social media. 

    Experiment with themes and aesthetics that appeal to the cannabis community, such as psychedelic patterns, bold colors, or playful animations. Remember that cannabis users often have a sense of humor, so don’t be afraid to inject some of it into your content.

    Engage with your audience

    Engagement is critical when targeting cannabis audiences on social media. Respond to comments and messages promptly, and show your followers that you’re listening to their feedback. This will help build trust and establish your brand as a valuable resource for cannabis users.

    Stay up-to-date on industry news

    Cannabis is a rapidly evolving industry, with new laws, regulations, and trends constantly emerging. To effectively target cannabis audiences on social media, staying informed and up-to-date on the latest industry news is important. 

    This will help you create more relevant content and show your followers that you’re knowledgeable about the industry and invested in its growth.

    Factors affecting cannabis influencer fees

    Regarding influencer fees, cannabis brands should consider several factors before making decisions:

    It’s important to understand the size and scope of the influencer’s audience. A smaller, more niche audience may be more valuable to a brand than a large but general audience.

    Brands should look at engagement rates to gauge how engaged an influencer’s followers are with their content. Higher engagement rates typically mean that an influencer has a more passionate and active following, which can be more valuable for promoting a brand.

    It’s also essential to consider the quality of an influencer’s content.

    An influencer who produces high-quality, original content is more likely to generate results for a brand than someone who posts low-quality or reposted content.

    Explanation of factors determining influencer fees in the cannabis industry

    A few key factors go into calculating the fees for cannabis influencers. First is the scope of work that the influencer will be doing. This includes content creation (photos, videos, blog posts), social media promotion, and event appearances. 

    The second factor is the reach or potential reach of the influencer’s audience. This is determined by their number of followers, engagement rate, and location. And lastly, pricing also takes into account the influencer’s level of experience and expertise in the industry.

    These factors combine to create a unique fee for each influencer. There is no one-size-fits-all answer regarding how much an influencer should charge, but some general guidelines can help you determine what’s fair.

    For example, most cannabis influencers will charge between $100 and $500 per post on social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. But again, this all depends on things like their audience size and engagement rate.

    Hopefully, this gives you a better understanding of how cannabis influencer fees are determined. Remember that it’s always a good idea to negotiate pricing upfront, so there are no surprises later on down the road.

    Average influencer fees for cannabis campaigns

    The average influencer fee for a cannabis campaign is $2,000. This fee includes the cost of the influencer’s time and effort and any materials needed to produce the content. The total fee is typically paid upfront before any content is created.

    As cannabis becomes more mainstream, we see more brands and businesses turning to influencer marketing to reach their target audiences. Cannabis influencers have a unique ability to connect with their followers and build trust around a product or brand.

    While the average influencer fee for a cannabis campaign is still relatively low, we expect it to increase as the industry continues to grow. As more brands enter the space, competition for top influencers will drive up prices.

    Guaranteed results for cannabis influencer marketing

    If you want guaranteed results from your cannabis influencer marketing campaigns, you need to work with the right people. There are a lot of so-called “influencers” out there who are nothing more than social media celebrities with a large following. 

    While they may have a lot of followers, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have any influence over them.

    The best way to find truly effective cannabis influencers is to work with an agency specializing in this marketing type. These agencies have the relationships and experience necessary to connect you with the right people. 

    They also can track results so you can see exactly how your campaign is performing.

    Don’t try to go it alone regarding cannabis influencer marketing. Work with an experienced agency that can help you get the results you’re looking for.

    Discussion on why results can’t be guaranteed in influencer marketing

    When it comes to influencer marketing, results can’t always be guaranteed. This is because many factors can influence the success of an influencer marketing campaign. 

    For example, the quality of the content that an influencer produces, the size of their audience, and the engagement level of their audience can all affect the results of a campaign. 

    Additionally, it’s important to note that influencer marketing is still a relatively new industry, and much experimentation is taking place. 

    As such, best practices are constantly evolving and being refined. As a result, what works today might not work tomorrow. For all these reasons, setting realistic expectations when embarking on an influencer marketing campaign is essential.

    Performance-based influencer marketing for cannabis

    If you’re looking to take your cannabis influencer marketing to the next level, performance-based influencer marketing is the way to go.

    With performance-based influencer marketing, brands pay influencers based on the results they drive. This could be anything from sales to engagement, depending on what’s most important to the brand.

    The great thing about performance-based influencer marketing is that it aligns the interests of both the brand and the influencer. The brand only pays for results, and the influencer only gets paid if they deliver those results.

    A few things to remember when doing performance-based cannabis influencer marketing:

    1) Make sure you set clear goals and KPIs before starting. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what needs to be delivered.

    2) Find influencers who have a track record of driving results. You want to avoid taking a risk with your hard-earned money, so you vet potential influencers carefully.

    3) Be prepared to pay a little more. Performance-based deals usually come with a higher price tag than traditional sponsorships or ambassadorships, but it’s worth it for the guaranteed results.

    If you’re ready to take your cannabis influencer marketing to the next level, performance-based deals are the way to go!

    Explanation of performance-based influencer marketing

    As cannabis becomes more mainstream, so does cannabis influencer marketing. More and more brands are turning to social media influencers to help promote their products and services.

    But what is performance-based influencer marketing? And how can it benefit your cannabis business?

    Performance-based influencer marketing is a type of influencer marketing where brands pay influencers based on the results they generate. So, if an influencer helps a brand increase its sales by 10%, the influencer would receive a commission on those sales.

    Performance-based influencer marketing is a great way to ensure that you’re only paying for results. It’s also a great way to incentivize influencers to produce their best work. After all, they’ll only be paid if their efforts produce tangible results for your business.

    If you’re considering performance-based influencer marketing for your cannabis business, you should keep a few things in mind:

    • Make sure you’re working with reputable, high-quality influencers.
    • Consider your goals and objectives before working with an influencer.
    • Make sure you have a solid plan in place to track the results of your campaign.
    • Performance-based cannabis influencer marketing can be a great way to grow your business and connect with new customers.

    Challenges to cannabis influencer marketing

    As with any new and burgeoning industry, the cannabis industry faces unique challenges regarding influencer marketing. Here are a few of the biggest challenges faced by those looking to market cannabis products and services through influencers:

    1. Lack of Regulations: The cannabis industry is still in its infancy regarding advertising and marketing regulations. This means there are no clear guidelines for what is and isn’t allowed regarding influencer marketing. As a result, companies and influencers must be extra careful to stay within the bounds of what is considered legal and acceptable.

    2. Stigma: Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding cannabis use. This can make it difficult to find influencers comfortable promoting your products or services and make it hard to reach your target audience through traditional channels like social media.

    3. Limited Budget: Cannabis companies often have limited budgets for marketing and advertising, which can make investing in influencer marketing campaigns difficult. Additionally, many platforms like Facebook and Instagram do not allow direct advertising for cannabis products, meaning companies have to get creative with their marketing efforts.

    Strategies to overcome these challenges

    While some challenges remain the same, others are unique to the cannabis space. Here are a few strategies to overcome these challenges and make the most of your cannabis influencer marketing efforts:

    1. Partner with micro-influencers: As the cannabis industry is still heavily regulated, partnering with micro-influencers with smaller followings. Still, higher engagement rates can be an excellent way to navigate the restrictions while reaching a targeted audience.

    2. Utilize user-generated content: Encourage your customers to create and share content featuring your brand or products. This can help build a sense of community and authenticity around your brand while generating valuable content for your social media channels.

    3. Stay up-to-date on regulations: The legal status of cannabis varies by state and country, so it’s important to stay informed about the regulations in your target market. Ensure that any influencer partnerships or content comply with local laws and regulations.

    4. Develop clear guidelines and contracts: To avoid misunderstandings or legal issues, it’s important to have policies and agreements for influencer partnerships. This should include expectations around content creation, compensation, and compliance with regulations.

    5. Measure and track results: Like any marketing campaign, measuring and tracking the results of your influencer marketing efforts is essential. This can help you to optimize your strategy and identify areas for improvement.

    Do’s and don’ts of cannabis influencer marketing on social media

    There are key things to remember when marketing cannabis products. Regarding specific platforms, here are a few dos and don’ts to remember:

    • DO post exciting and engaging content that will resonate with your target audience.
    • DON’T spam your followers with constant promotional messages.
    • DO use social media tools like hashtags and tagging to reach a wider audience.
    • DON’T forget to monitor comments and interactions on your posts – you may need to moderate some discussions.
    • DO stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the cannabis industry.
    • DON’T get too political – there’s plenty of room for debate on this topic without getting into partisan territory.

    Closing thoughts

    In conclusion, influencer marketing can be an effective strategy for cannabis brands to reach their target audience on social media. 

    By incorporating creative content and using various marketing methods such as shoutouts, discounts/giveaways, and commissions, brands can successfully leverage influencers to promote their products and increase their visibility in the growing cannabis industry. 

    It’s important to choose influencers based on their reach, actionability, and authenticity and to identify their personality types to ensure a good fit with your brand. 

    It’s also crucial to follow legal guidelines and regulations around cannabis advertising and to be transparent about any compensation or incentives given to influencers.